Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Out of the Mouth of Babes

I am thinking seriously about homeschooling my children. So, yesterday, while enjoying lunch with my 6-year old, I asked her, "What do you think about having school at home next year? We could do 1st grade here at home." And the conversation went like this:

"What about my teacher?" she asked.

" I would be your teacher."

"But, you're my mom."

"But, can't I be your mom and teacher?"

"Well. . .you can be a teacher when you grow up."

"So, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Well, Mommy, instead of being President, I want to be a karate teacher. . .in China."

" In China??"

"Yes, I want to teach karate. . .at the center. . .in China"

"Okay. Well, what does God want you to be?"

"God, what do you want me to be? (short pause) He says He wants me to be a karate teacher in China (with a big smile on her face)."

"Well, okay then." (chuckling).

I couldn't help but grin and wonder where on earth the idea of teaching karate came from. I think back to when I was her age and I never thought about being President of anything or going to another country! As children, it seemed as if our choices were limited to doctor, nurse, policeman/policewoman, and in my case, gymnast. My mom used to always tell my brothers and me, "Don't limit yourselves!". My husband and I have always tried to pass that concept along to our kids by encouraging them to think globally and to think big. It was a bring spot in my day to see that all of our work has not been in vain.

As the day went on, I thought more of our conversation and became more amazed at how my God, the God of the Universe, speaks to us. One way is by placing little nuggets of wisdom in our children without them even knowing it. Here are a few nuggets He dished out to me through my 6-year old:

Nugget #1: We are never too old to go to work for God

I am a 38-year old whose head is (literally) lined with silver, yet my 6-year old suggested I could be a teacher after "I'm done" being her mom, and let me not forget. . .when I grow up. At ages 100 and 90, respectively, God made Abraham and Sarah to be parents to Issac, after a "lifetime" of barren-ness (see Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7). Is God trying to use you in a particular area but you insist that you're too old? Remember, God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)!

Nugget #2: Think outside the box. God does.

My 6-year old is an African-American girl. While our current President, Barack Obama, is African-American, to date, we have not had an African-American female presidential candidate (from a major political party). So, to decide that she wanted to be President, at one time, was huge! Now, she wants to be a karate teacher in China. For the same reasons, I think that certainly qualifies as thinking outside the box!

In order to take possession of Jericho, a city enclosed by a wall where no one entered or left, Joshua and the children of Israel were not told to declare war and storm the city of Jericho. Instead, they were instructed, by God, to march around the city once a day for six days while the priests blew their trumpets. Then, on the seventh day, God told them to march around the city seven times while the priests blew their trumpets and then the priests were to make a long blast with their trumpets while all the people shouted. When they did as God commanded, the walls of Jericho fell (see Joshua 6). Who would have thought that a city could be destroyed by walking around it, blowing horns, and yelling??

Nugget #3: Since God created us, then we are His. Therefore, we should ask Him what He wants us to do with our lives, then obey.

When I asked my daughter what God wanted her to be, she immediately asked Him. She said He wants her to be a karate teacher in China. Maybe so or maybe not. . .time will tell, but what is important is that she is ready and willing to ask and do what he says. Are you? I must admit, I have not always been that way and even now, if what He tells me to do something that seems to be a little weird or a bit frightening, I often question Him and/or hesitate in obeying Him. But we all are to have the attitude of Mary when she found out that she was carrying the Son of God in her womb: "Let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38).

God is always speaking to us: through His Word (The Holy Bible), through our peers, and even through our children. Let's be sure to listen closely for Him and do what He says!


Frinkles said...

This is awesome...glad you are back at it!

Evelyn said...

I don't know much about God. But I know that kongfu or karate has become so popular here in the US. Well, even more popular than in China.

To some extent, my 3 year old always wants to be Gongfu Panda after he watched the movie.

Monae said...

I really enjoyed this.