Friday, July 15, 2016

Follow the Leader

I have to admit that recently, as a result of difficulty in my personal life and in wake of national and international tragedy, ashamedly, I have sought the Lord my more intensely than I have in a while. I say “ashamedly” because for all that He has done for me, I should always seek Him. But, let’s face it, hardship causes us to seek wisdom. I was reminded from a Christian radio program of James 4:8, “Draw near to God and he will draw near to you”. Taking Him at His Word, I have done so and as promised He has drawn near to me. He has provided comfort and peace during difficult circumstances, but also He has opened my eyes to truth. John 17:17 says, “Sanctify them in the truth: your word is truth”. He has done exactly that!

Several years ago, I was convicted by the fact that having called myself a Christian for about 20 years, I had not yet read the Bible in its entirety. I’d like to say that I was fully obedient to that “assignment” that God gave me, but I wasn’t. I did read it all, but it did take me a few years to do so. Better late than never, right? Well, yes and no. Yes, because I learned so much from doing that. No, because 98% obedience is still disobedience. In school or college, if you are told that an assignment is due on a particular day, but you turn in the assignment after the due date, depending on the teacher, you may still get credit for it, but not as much as you would have if you completed it on time. In some cases, some teachers would not even accept it. All this to say that it is important to obey what the Lord has said to do when the Lord says to do it.

As I read the Bible, I realized that there were some differences or inconsistencies in how we, American Christians, interpret the Word of God in our behavior and how people who were followers of Christ in the Bible lived. I tried to rationalize it by thinking that we are living in modern times and “things were different back then”. I started hearing sermons about while some may call themselves Christian, go to church every Sunday, read the Bible and do good to others; some will not go to Heaven. That was a wake-up call! So, for the last several years, I have wrestled with whether I am a Christian or not. It was difficult to put into words when I would share these feelings with others. Now, after reading just a small portion of Multiply: disciples making disciples by Francis Chan with Mark Beuving and listening to some sermons by David Platt based on his book, Radical, I realized why I have felt so convicted. Chan says “Basically, a disciple is a follower, but only if we take the follower literally. Becoming a disciple of Jesus is as simple as obeying His call to follow.” (p. 16) This made me think of the game that we played as kids, “Follow the Leader”. I looked up the basic rules of the game on Wikipedia. It says,

               “Follow the leader is a children’s game. First a leader or head of the line is chosen, then the children all line up behind the leader. The leader then moves around and all the children have to mimic the leader’s actions. Any players who fail to follow or do what the leader does are out of the game.”

So, my question is do I read the Bible enough to know who Jesus Christ is, what is important to Him and what He has done? Do I read the Bible enough to know what He commands of His followers? What did He do while He was here on earth and do I do the same things He did? He obeyed our Heavenly Father to the point of death, do I obey with the same fervency? If not, then I have to question whether or not I really believe Jesus Christ is who He says He is and question whether or not I really believe His Word, The Holy Bible, is true. Naturally, I then have to question, am I truly a follower of Christ? Notice my questions are NOT do I go to church and how often? Nor is it do I participate in a Bible Study? Nor is the question, on how many programs or committees do I serve?

I am not trying to suggest that our salvation is based on what we do. Romans 10:9, 10 says, “. . .because if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” If Jesus is my Lord and I believe that every word He says is true, then I will do what He says when He says to do it. Plain and simple.

So, my question to you . . .is Jesus Christ your Leader and do you follow Him?

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