Let me first preface this by congratulating Eli Manning and the New York Giants on winning the Super Bowl. I'm sorry that the Indianapolis Colts did not have the chance to repeat their 2007 Super Bowl win, but at least the brother of our Quarterback (If you haven't yet read my profile. . .I'm a Hoosier) won his Super Bowl ring instead.
Anyway, as I was alone with my thoughts last weekend, I thought about the millions of people who were preparing to watch the Super Bowl. Some paid upwards of $10, 000-$25,000 (or more) to attend the Super Bowl in Glendale, Arizona. While others spent hundred of dollars (or even thousands) in food and drinks to host parties at their homes to watch the game on their 50"+ flat screen TV's.
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not hatin' on those who were able to attend the Super Bowl or to host parties. Quite frankly, if I had the opportunity to go, I would have. With all of the snow we have received here lately, in southeastern Washington, some time in the "Valley of the Sun" would have been a welcomed change of atmosphere. But with all of the hype, I can't help but wonder how many of us are ready for the final "Super Bowl"?
What do I mean by the "Final Super Bowl", you ask? While some view it as a game, it isn't. However, there are two teams involved-Jesus vs. Satan-and the most important fact about this "match" is that the winning team has already been decided. Can you guess who is going to win?
Well, I'll just cut to the chase-Jesus is the winner. Folks, believe it or not, Jesus is the Son of God and He is coming back to get those of us who have committed our lives to playing on His team by accepting His free gift of salvation. This group will be going to Heaven upon His return. Those who do not commit to Him or reject His gift, will be going to Hell-plain and simple. Those are not my words (well, it is my paraphrase), but the words of God in the Holy Bible.
With all of the preparations that we go through for the Super Bowl, shouldn't we be even more vigilant about preparing for our eternal home? Just a few thoughts. . .
If you are interested in knowing how to start a relationship with Jesus, take a look (below) at the "Road to Salvation":
The Road to Salvation. . .
a) Know that the Triune God (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) exists and is perfect. (Genesis 1:26; Leviticus 11:44; 2 Samuel 22:31; 1 Peter 1:16)
b) Understand that as descendents of Adam and Eve, we were born sinful people. Our sin was inherited. (Genesis 3: 2-3, 6, 16-20)
c) Understand that in and of ourselves, we do not have the ability to get rid of our sin. (Romans 3:23' Ephesians 2:8,9)
d) Jesus, the perfect, sinless Son of God, was sacrificed (died) on the cross, so that all of our sins would no longer exist in the sight of God. (Acts 10:43; Hebrews 9:22)
e) Understand that the pentalty of our sin is death-eternal punishment in Hell which was created for Satan and his angels. (Romans 6:23; Isaiah 14:12-15)
f) Know that three days after Jesus died, He rose from the dead, to demonstrate His victory over death. (Acts 2:31)
g) In order to receive salvation, thereby avoiding eternal punishment in Hell, but living forever in Heaven with God; we must believe in our hearts that He did indeed die to take away our sins. (John 3:16; John 11:25-27; John 14:6)
h) By believing or accepting Jesus' sacrifice as a personal gift, He becomes our Savior. Out of our love and appreciation, we choose to live our lives to please Him, rather than ourselves. (Mark 12:29-31; Romans 12:1, 2, 9-21; Matthew 16:24-27)
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. I can be reached at bloggermomof2@gmail.com. Until next time. . .
1 comment:
Way to go! I'm so proud of you for starting your blog. This post was informative. I'll be sure to return often. I know God's Grace and Mercy shall cover you forever.
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